Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Trenton Doyle Responce Film

Damn it lost all contrast in translation to this smaller file.
Well, Imagine a more defined world as you look on.


Nyssa said...

Nice work! It has an extremely eerie air about it-so creepy! And I keep expecting him to actually make it to the ladder at some point, so I keep watching. The music works well with it, and I feel the video as a whole definitely captures a Trenton Doyle-esque feeling. The transition between the first and second minutes doesn't feel like a transition at all, which is great. Good job!

Nicky said...

i have no idea what's going on in this video. maybe it's a good idea to post the original piece alongside it. i feel like the second half could have more exciting shit going on also. the old film thing works nicely with it, and it doesn't look too obviously imovie.

Rachel said...

Well I'd be lying if I said I understood one bit of this.It not only captures the eerie atmosphere as Nyssa said, but there is also a flawless transition. I do think it wise to include the original piece. Nice work.

Jennifer E. Kim said...

i'm confused. where did you get your inspiration from? i like the effects; how it looks like its "old." i find this piece pretty interesting and a bit humorous. it would be nice to see the original piece to relate to.

RadioFishface said...

Not sure what was going on but it was interesting! Once I see the actual piece, I'll probably understand more. But anyways, the guy who came in the second half was funny. Nice work!

streetlamp said...

Im tripping balls, this is creepy as all hell. Awesome.

marmanatee said...

I don't quite understand where piece originated from, but I imagine that your response replicated it pretty well. I liked the choice of music, and the aged film effect.

Larry said...

its pretty strange, its almost like you put that one part where he extends his leg on a loop, but its just him doing it over and over again. just creepy. the effects came out well for the piece.

Alejandro said...

you did a good job capturing a really creepy dream-like scene...reminds me of a nightmare. the guy who pops in then out is adds a lot as well as the continuous movement and reaching of dudebro's leg.

Becky said...

like eveyone has said, the audio and visual effects work, but i wish i knew what inspired this. it reminds me of that matthew barney video with the guy trying to climb the ladder and the other person with the bunny ears. it also like barney's piece in that it is bizarre, interesting and, I think, sweet, but i have no idea what is going on.

Anonymous said...

The imagery on its own is so weird, and the music you added makes it really, really creepy. I kept hoping the poor guy would reach the ladder! I think that maybe you could have done a little more with the second half of the video. I actually liked the aged film effect here because it was really subtle and fit the whole muted, washed-out contrast of your original image. Nice job!

sabrinaaamcgill said...

perfect. i wouldn't change a thing. so strange, which makes it so interesting. seeing the original piece may be nice, but i don't think it's necessary. your video is successful on it's own. really great job.

CAD said...

I like that its in black and white. I agree with pretty much every comment above, nice and creepy. I assume its not suppose to make a whole lot of sense, nice and vague.